Soon we reached Chiling Falls, but we didn't want to go there because we've been there before.
So we drove a bit further after the entrance to Chiling Falls and saw three people emerging from a trail by the roadside. So we went to investigate.
We don't know the name of this place 'cause there was no signage at the entrance. And there was nobody around to ask.
As we began to explore the trail we saw many buterflies
and ferns too.
Soon we came to a hill and wondered what lay on the other side.
We saw a fork in the road.
Whenever I see a fork in the woods, it'll remind me of the Robert Frost poem titled The Road Not Taken. The last verse reads:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Now back to the story ...
The left fork looked like a continuation of the hiking trail. On the right was a clearing with a little hut beside a river. There were toilet cubicles on the other side of the river.
Toilet cubicles
We needed to take a leak, so we left our footwear by the riverbank and waded across.
The water was refreshing and cooling in the hot, humid afternoon. I regret not bringing a change of clothes; otherwise I'd have taken a deep in the cool, refreshing water.
After hiking for about 45 minutes, the trail looked like it's neverending. So we decided to turn back.
The water was refreshing and cooling in the hot, humid afternoon. I regret not bringing a change of clothes; otherwise I'd have taken a deep in the cool, refreshing water.
After answering nature's call, lazing by the river and snapping a few pics, we continued our hike on the left trail.
After hiking for about 45 minutes, the trail looked like it's neverending. So we decided to turn back.
On the way back, Angie saw this beautiful formation on a leaf. I thought I could use the pic to write some motivational quotes by the side like this:
We then got into the car and headed home.
It was a pleasant Saturday spent on an unknown trail with Mother Nature.
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