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Friday, March 12, 2010

4 Important Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Falling sick during your travels can be a huge bummer. All the things you wanna do and experience ain't gonna happen if you're lying in bed with a fever or flu.

To avoid all these disappointments, it is extremely important to stay healthy and here are 4 ways to do it.

1) Drink lots of water.

Water is extremely important to remain hydrated, especially when you're in a tropical country where it's hot and humid.

Bring along a bottle of water wherever you go. It is not only the best way to keep yourself hydrated, but it's cost savings during meals. Most eateries sell drinks at exhorbitant prices. By bringing your own water, you not only keep yourself hydrated, you get to save money too!

2) Eat lots of fruits and vege.

Our mothers have been drumming this piece of advice into our heads since we were little. So why not use this piece of advice during travel as well? After all, mothers know best :-)

3) Avoid foods that you can't identify.

No matter how adventurous you wanna be when it comes to eating, avoid foods you can't identify - at all cost.

When you're in an unfamiliar country, you never know what the locals eat. Like for example, do you know that the Vietnamese eat dogs? The thought of putting the flesh of those little cute, faithful creatures into my mouth would give me a stomach upset for days on end!

Eat where the locals eat is good advice for travellers who are on a budget. But sometimes what the locals can stomach might not be ok for you. Take a look at these stalls:

Would you eat from these stalls?

Always pick a stall that you think is clean and will not cause you to fall sick.

4) Go to toilet everyday.

What goes in must come out, and you've got to ensure it happens everyday. Otherwise your body will be filled with toxic and you'll fall sick eventually.

To be able to go to the toilet everyday, drink lots of water and don't forget your fruits and vege too.

Some people can't do it regularly when they are travelling because of the change in routine and food intake, or they are uncomfortable sitting on a "throne" that is not theirs. Someone I know can do without going to the toilet for up to one week whenever she travels! And that's nasty!

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