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Thursday, May 19, 2011

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 22, 03:22 PM
    I'm not sure what the point of this thread is any more. It started by claiming Obama was elected in part due to being an anti-war candidate, but that was refuted since he openly advocated escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is multiple interviews.

    Now it seems to be about attacking without congressional approval, but I think he has a 30 day window in which to act (http://www.google.com/search?q=30+days+to+attack+without+congressional+approval&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) before that becomes a legal issue.

    Is it about bias coverage? DailyKos is highlighting stories like (http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/21/what_intervention_in_libya_tells_us_about_the_neocon_liberal_alliance) this (http://www.tnr.com/article/world/85509/the-case-against-our-attack-libya), HuffPo has a column about Obama's "Imperial Presidency (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joseph-a-palermo/libya-and-obamas-embrace_b_839046.html)." Yahoo's already covering the cost of the Libya mission, and MSNBC's article states that "Obama�s stance is striking: not only hasn�t he addressed the question of congressional authorization, but acting without it appears to be at odds with what he stood for when he ran for president (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42201792/ns/politics/)."

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  • zacman
    Apr 6, 04:05 PM
    Yeah, good luck to Android tablets without carrier BOGO deals, Apple carrier exclusivity, and greater retail distribution than Apple. None of these factors apply in the tablet market.

    That's why Apple lost around 30% marketshare in less than two months when the Galaxy tab was released? You know: That's the tablet that runs an outdated phone OS and not even a tablet OS...

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  • afrowq
    Apr 11, 05:59 PM
    Exactly. Apple has been neglecting its professional products since the iPhone and iOS release, and focusing on consumer level products. A lot of people on MacRumors are new to Mac/Apple. For those of us who have used Mac's for 10+ years, mostly for work, we have become weary of the direction the company is taking for US, not for the average Joe. FCP was a standard at the time, for less than its competitors it offered a great GUI at a reasonable price point. The hardware and software are business investments.

    As for the sarcastic comment regarding someone not leaving Apple now before FCP is released, it's because leaving is a huge decision. We have lots of money, time and equipment invested in our work. It's not as simple as dropping everything you have used for many, many years and investing and training yourself for another platform.

    Sorry, but I am tired of the new users brought in from iPhone's and iPods and MacBook's getting snarky with the professionals who carried Apple through tough times and rely on Apple's professional line for our work. First the dedicated ACD's are neglected and replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD panel from the 27" iMac, OS X Lion is morphing into an iOS GUI, the Xeon Server processors in the Mac Pro line that replaced the affordable PowerMac G4/5's are over priced and over powered for some of our needs, Xserve was dropped not due to less sales but less marketing and development due to Apple's focus on iDevices, less OS X development such as Resolution Independence, 64-bit implementation, TRIM support for third party Sandforce SSD's, and so on. Heck, even professional such as Annie Leibovitz has left Apple due its lack of professional level products over the past four years.

    There's much more to Apple than iDevices, as great as they may be. iMac's, iPads, MacBooks - they don't replace the systems Apple has left that are necessary for our work.

    *and before anyone states that Apple has made billions on iDevices and iOS, they certainly can take a small amount of that cash reserve and reinvest it into a much needed market, such as a mid-level tower that fits between the top level iMac and entry level Mac Pro for those of us who need 5+ tower's but now can't afford them since the Intel transition. Apple could easily restructure their professional focus with new project managers to give a much needed refresh of their high end niche, and they could easily make a profit from that market. They created/restructured a niche market with iDevices and made a killing, why not with their professional end products? There are thousands if not more of us who would gladly pony up and stick with Apple.

    Nailed it

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  • odedia
    Aug 27, 03:19 AM
    I dont see much change really, the 1.66GHz merom chip will find its way into the mini (they'll scrap the solo model).

    The 1.83 & 2.00GHz for iMacs (if they use merom) and MacBooks and the 2.16 and 2.33 for the 15 & 17 MBPs respectively. Its that simple.

    the iMac will get a conroe. Nothing can be as dumb as putting a laptop chip in the desktop iMac. If the iMac could hold a G5 in it, it sure can hold a Conroe chip.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 6, 10:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This is impossible.

    Apple isn't supposed to care about Macs anymore, just iToys.

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  • zero2dash
    Sep 18, 02:26 PM
    The Thinkpad X40 I'm typing from Bluescreened on me no longer than three weeks ago. My crime? coming out of suspend mode.

    Windows Crashes.

    Believe it or not, Mac OS X can crash too. While it is prettier, it's still a crash.

    Pretty funny reading the last few pages, thanks for the laughs.

    I'll never forget at my old job (Kinkos) when our dual G4 running Panther had that system crash screen come up that is gray and basically says "your FUBAR'D" in like 8 languages...we were all stunned. :D Good times...never thought I'd see a bad crash like that in OSX. Or back in 2000 when our workstations were all running Windows 95b - I lost track of how many blue screens we'd get in a day. Man Win95 was garbage. :p Big for it's time - utter garbage now.

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  • TennisandMusic
    Apr 10, 12:31 AM
    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

    No idea, but I just don't get those tactics. I mean, other than being ruthless business people. :p

    Just show your stuff without having to strong arm...

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  • shartypants
    Mar 25, 10:51 PM
    Look forward to seeing what additional features where added since the last developer release.

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  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 01:08 PM
    On an unrelated note, wouldnt it been cool to effectivly install a whole OS on RAM. That would be noticably quicker....

    The OS would be faster but unless you had tons of RAM, the Apps ... :)

    Modern OSes use RAM not used by apps to cache recently used files/data, since it makes more sense to keep around stuff the system mind need again. Most OS files aren't needed (just look at the size of the OS itself on any system!).

    Of course, back in my Amiga days, pretty much all the OS was running from ROM/RAM, and it had pre-emptive multitasking but no VM system. As a result, it was incredibly snappy to use, despite being a 7.14MHz 68K. I've occasionally seen real Amigas since then and I'm always impressed by how "fast" it feels, even if the system itself seems rather primative by modern standards.

    I imagine the early Macs were somewhat similar in this regard, but I didn't use one properly til the early 90's, by which time I was more interested in Unix, VMS, etc.

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  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 11, 04:34 AM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    I think the point is apple is trying to break the mold of traditional NLE editing. Many tools and terms we use in FCP and other NLEs are derived from linear tape editing from 20+ years ago. They are trying to push to the future of editing in a new direction and that may involve rethinking aspects of how we edit. Whether it's going to work or not I guess we'll have to see...

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  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    So, 38% of the American people, and a majority of the tea-party just had their "faith" that the President was somehow not legitimate pulled out from under them. If the goal was to fracture the ties that bind that group, the timing couldn't have been better.

    With the recent backlash against the Paul budget and attempt to destroy Medicare, what binds the tea party together now? President Obama has agreed to cuts, he tried to avoid the bush tax cuts on the wealthy, but caved to save the middle income tax breaks; now he wants to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, eliminating tax breaks for oil companies, and seems willing to consider a lot of other things to deal with the budget and economy. The Republican town hall meetings seem to show that people may finally be realizing that Democrats are actually the party of fiscal responsibility.

    I truly hope that the GOP learns from the last 30 years, and especially the last 20 years. Obstructing the other party is not the best way to run the government for the benefit of all of the American people. Compromise is not a bad word. Facts are your friend.

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  • satty
    Jul 20, 08:48 AM
    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2! The nice thing about intel is that they seem to realise that, and have invested in improved IO as well, look at Pci express and SATA, you can have the fastest processor in the world, but if your running it with 512megs of memory your going to slow down fast!

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  • kdarling
    Mar 22, 05:47 PM
    The difference is Samsung outsources it's OS development, it's developer community management, it's app ecosystem.

    To whom do they outsource?

    I'm genuinely curious since they've been advertising related jobs lately.

    Thanks for any links or other info!

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  • mygoldens
    Mar 22, 06:34 PM
    It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.

    I will probably buy one! :D

    There will not be any lines and hey, they might just have some stock!

    What a novel idea! Have stock for a product that you say you produce, WOW what a concept!

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  • akac
    Mar 26, 09:40 PM
    Details found here :


    Gist of it :

    - less features than Samba
    - no more Active Directory Services
    - Just file sharing now.

    Samba developers have also noted that the true motive behind this move might not be the GPLv3 per say, but a more global move away from the GPL. Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Anyway, Samba v4 could have given them all the "features" they implemented and much more. Their own in-house version won't necessarily be better just because it's written by Apple. The Samba team does a great job with what Microsoft puts out as documentation (if you can even call it that).

    Note that from the article, this change only impacts OS X Server. The client was already an in-house solution.

    Although from my understanding from people using this today, the Apple implementation is dramatically faster than the Samba implementation. Just like WebKit started from KHTML and had fewer features than Mozilla, its ended up being the best browser engine out there. Leaner. Meaner. Faster. But it took time. Apple's SMB/CIFS implementation is going the same route. Now I've read elsewhere that it DOES support Active Directory. And elsewhere that it doesn't. The Preview version of Lion was 2 months old by the time devs got it, so its also possible that those reports are all just wrong in as far as what works and what is supposed to work (i.e. it may support AD, but bugs cause it not to work well or at all on some installs).

    You will be foolish to wait around unless you want to get buried in the on-slaught of new and improved apps to take advantage of Lion from day one.

    Exactly. I know of at least one major app right now that is going to go Lion only...

    Windows manages to run legacy apps still. Even if you do have to resort to using the virtual machine they've called 'XP Mode.'

    Fortunately, my one and only PPC program does indeed have an intel version that I wasn't aware of, so I'm fine.

    You just gave the perfect answer. Using a VM. Run SL in a VM for Rosetta apps :)

    It's needed for me.

    Look, Rosetta isn't a part of OS X by default. If it is installed, then it is needed by the user, and thus isn't "crap." If the user doesn't need it, it won't be installed. For most users, it will be "cut out." I don't see why having the option there for people who need it stifles progress.

    Actually its not a small piece. Its a big piece. EVERY OS X Library has to be provided in PowerPC code as well as x86. So Rosetta itself, by itself is tiny. But all the extra libraries that make up OS X is huge. And that's why its cut out.

    In SL, it shipped with all the libraries, but not the Rosetta piece. So it was a simple install of just the Rosetta piece.

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  • dmarcoot
    Apr 6, 03:37 PM
    I hope that number keeps rising; we need competition to not let Apple rest on it's laurels.

    First they need to make a product worthy of rising. A sub par product and user experience will not push Apple.

    At any rate, clearly Apple is not resting on laurels with the rest of computing industry as far back as they are in quality, price, experience and their available software ecosystems.

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  • neko girl
    Mar 3, 10:48 PM
    That's strange. I've never seen my ignorance stagger. I've always thought it couldn't walk. ;)

    Seriously, please educate me, neko girl.
    Surely. Why do you believe you have any right or authority to dictate what two consulting adults should do or not?

    And, if you do believe you (or a religious book) have that authority, then may I make the following statement to be equally as valid as yours:

    Bill McEnaney should only engage in homosexual, sexually active relationships, and should never be engaged in heterosexual relationships, much less any that are anything but platonic.

    Do you believe in the validity of my statement. Why or why not?

    I look forward to your response.

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  • CANOLArabbit
    Apr 7, 11:16 PM
    I think this makes somewhat sense... When i went to best buy on launch day they ran out... and then i went back and they were doing $100 pre-orders to be put on a list (which i never ended up doing)... so what they did is had a ton of people pay a hundred bucks to put on a best buy gift card and then "shorten" the supply so that people would have to be impatient and go buy somewhere else--which forced people to spend that hundred dollars at BB.
    Kind of a cheap selfish way to make money. hundreds of pre-orders and then only a few ipad sales...
    it still doesn't make sense to not sell what you have in stock though... stupid

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  • littleman23408
    Nov 30, 03:15 PM
    Anyone have any tips to complete the top gear special challenge? I can't manage to get around all those bus'

    Mar 17, 11:00 AM
    While I might agree with some of things you said, I do have to take exception to this point. How did Obama sell himself as a "military dove"?

    He campaigned on getting out of Iraq, while escalating our campaign in Afghanistan. And promises to close Gitmo had more to do with due process than it did pacifism.

    So please 5P, provide some evidence on how Obama sold himself as a "dove".

    And please, let's dispense with your ridiculous "both parties are the same line". Is that a pickle in your pocket, or are you just happy to see Newt Gingrich?

    Agreed. I'm getting tired of these sensational, histrionic and downright dishonest threads.

    Aug 6, 08:48 AM
    Does anyone think the recent "problems" at Apple are going to have any effect on what happens Monday.

    Story: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/08/05/BUGAHKBK3H1.DTL

    If there are products that are they "maybe" list, this might put them on the "go" list. Big news pushes stock prices up and pushes the "problem" stories on page 2.

    You might be right..

    Other than that I find it amusing that "One more thing" is now a mainstream thing.

    Mar 22, 01:51 PM
    Now it has become a battle of who will get my $500 bucks.

    Let the games begin! *grabs popcorn and soda*

    Jul 14, 09:00 PM
    I'm going to guess that the power supply on top will be like the MDD models, and therefore add rooms for more hard drives and optical drives.

    Either that, or the guy that made up these specs figured that mimicing the MDD structure would add street cred to the rumor of the two optical drives.

    Either way, between the case redesign rumor and the Conroe vs. Woodcrest rumor, looks like WWDC will really boost the credibility of one rumors site and smash the other's credibility to pieces (unless they're both wrong).

    Sep 13, 07:22 AM
    Man, I don't know why people keep saying this. On OS X, *all software utilizes the extra cores*. The only way it wouldn't is if you have less than 8 processes running, which I guarantee you that you don't. (System alone requires 20-30 processes to run.)

    Actually, it's even less than 8 - as a process can have several threads each of which can be moved to idle processors. Safari alone on my Mac currently has 23 threads at the moment, my system overall 277.

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