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Thursday, May 26, 2011

harry potter wallpaper for mobile

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  • superspiffy
    May 1, 10:02 AM
    I ordered mines online at around 12 am. I wonder if there's any chance the beta key is going to come this weekend. Should I call my local Gamestop store to claim it or do they not have any power over to do anything?

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  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 02:03 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    I am mad at apple, their processors suck right now... not to mention their price. Im not gunna spend 3,000 for a computer that I could get with -yes - a worse os, for 1,000. Macs just arent worth it right now. Until they have something that can compete speed wise, my next comp is a PC.

    You don't need to spend 3,000 to get an extremely fast mac right now try 1,600-1,700.

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  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • rjflyn
    Apr 12, 06:19 PM
    And how many Ipad-1 owners have yet to upgrade, those stats aren't given. If you are happy with what you have are you going to switch when you do upgrade, for the Average Joe probably not. I personally know just as many people who refer to Verizon as Whorizon as other who refer to ATT as the Death Star.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • blueflame
    Oct 16, 04:30 PM
    At this point, I will believe it when I see it. I think that the only thing all these Darn rumors say is how much everyone in general would love an apple phone. Done right, an iphone could easily replace most peoples phones and ipods. Add into that the possibility of home on ipod and WiFi, and I see a winner. But this is all speculation... ill belive it when i see it
    My personal dream phone would be simple yet packed:
    sleek flip phone, simple design, WiFi and Video chat capable
    I think this would really push forward communication, and make video chat a real thing. imagine if people were also using their phones at home with iChat for windows. apple sells ichat forthe PC as well, and everyone intercommunicates flawlessly where ever they are. Kind of like waht the ipod did for music the iphone could do for communication

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. harry potter wallpaper for
  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • EiriasEmrys
    Feb 24, 10:10 PM
    I love how innocent they make the kids out to be. Utterly ridiculous. I would have robbed my parents blind with this. "I thought it was smurf coins, mommy - not real money." ********, I would abuse the system. My sister racked up a $350 phone bill the first month she had a phone - in sixth grade. She knew she only had 100 txts back then, that didn't stop her from Txting. Point is, kids are going to download **** when they can, regardless of how many notifications say "warning! Daddy's credit card will be charged." Uh, oh, I better not buy the mightyeagle now!

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. harry potter wallpaper for
  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • fun173
    Mar 21, 05:12 PM
    Thanks for the feedback :) i appreciate it

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. the Harry Potter wallpaper
  • the Harry Potter wallpaper

  • powers74
    Jun 10, 12:34 PM
    That'd be great!

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. harry potter wallpaper for
  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • iowamensan
    Mar 19, 08:04 PM
    I miss the days when I could order an 8 pack of eMacs for our school for $4995. That comes out to less than $625 each. Now the cheapest computer I can get from Apple is $899 for the 20" iMac, (maybe $825 if I buy 25 or so and sweet talk my account rep). That's like a $5000-7000 difference for a lab of 25. Not small peanuts by any means when it comes to school budgets.

    This $20 discount is a kick in the nuts from Apple. They'll still charge us 29 bucks for each stupid dongle and make that right back. (cue Clark Griswold rant)

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter Slytherin Locket
  • Harry Potter Slytherin Locket

  • neiltc13
    Apr 1, 06:34 AM
    I when to France once before. I remember the cheapest gas had an octane rating of 95 or so, the next level up was 98 octane. I'm assuming that regular in the UK is around 95 octane as well? That tops what get. Our gas starts at 87 octane and tops out at 93 octane for so called premium (about $0.40 per gallon more than regular where I'm at).

    Anyhow, judging by how our gas is priced, it's about 2x what we pay here in the States. You win some (having better cars), you lose some (higher priced gas).

    Yes 95 octane is the lowest and there are also brands like Shell V-Power and BP Ultimate that offer up to 102 octane.

    I always go with the 95 octane version and my car gets about 41mpg (US) using this fuel.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Mobile iPhone
  • Mobile iPhone

  • chickenninja
    Apr 6, 10:07 AM
    its real, trust me ;)

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter and the
  • Harry Potter and the

  • cleanup
    Dec 1, 11:34 PM
    The website just displays a domain placeholder for me. Maybe the gig is up?

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter Mobile Wallpapers
  • Harry Potter Mobile Wallpapers

  • 63dot
    Mar 12, 04:41 PM
    Good point. There is a little article in the April Car and Driver that lists all of the cars assembled in North America and their actual domestic parts content. Some of it is pretty shocking. Sorry, I don't think they have it online, but if somebody really wants it, I can scan it.

    As an example, the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry are both 80% U.S./Canadian parts content. The Chevrolet Silverado pickup? ...61%. :eek:

    Wow, I came into this thread late. I wonder where the other 39% percent of the Silverado is from? I would guess more than one country. I know about the US Toyota plant, but Honda, too?

    Anyway, I kind of like the Honda Fit and if that's helping American workers, then all the more power to them.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Ginny-weasley-mobile.
  • Ginny-weasley-mobile.

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 21, 01:22 PM
    Are they adding some decent controls though?

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter :: Hermione
  • Harry Potter :: Hermione

  • AppliedMicro
    Jun 21, 05:13 PM
    I think a lot of people in here are also looking over the fact that the card reader is on the USB bus.
    Where did you get that info from? :confused:

    I do not think it's on the USB bus. Evidence: while the card reader does not show up in USB tree in System Profiler whatsoever - even though other internal peripherals, namely Bluetooth controller & Infrared receiver do! - System Profiler provides two very interesting lines for the "card reader":

    "Link width: 1x
    Maximum speed*: 2.5 GT/s"

    This strongly suggests the card reader being connected via PCIe. So the speed may, in practical terms, not be limited by the bus at all. Time - and faster SD cards - should eventually tell how fast it can go.

    * or something alike. I cannot look it up right now as my currently booted OS doesn't recognize it at all.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter Quidditch Mobile
  • Harry Potter Quidditch Mobile

  • ct-scan
    Sep 27, 12:15 PM
    With the Merom MBP's?!! :D

    *Slap!* ;)

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. harry potter 7 wallpaper hd.
  • harry potter 7 wallpaper hd.

  • baddj
    Apr 5, 05:03 PM
    Yay! More cash from adapters for apple!

    :( I am starting to think why do i have a mac, as i need so many dam adapters.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry potter and the deathly
  • Harry potter and the deathly

  • Prom1
    Mar 27, 10:08 PM
    Doing Lion evaluation and testing I upgraded a Snow Leopard drive (an external clone of a working system drive) to Lion, BUT I GOOFED and somehow upgraded to Lion Server! It attempted to upgrade my server settings, which of course were not present, but did see the existing server and integrated itself into Open Directory it provided.

    My conclusion from this mini-disaster is that unlike other OS X server versions, this one will be capable of an upgrade installation. That is great news! I'm still concerned about the apparently missing services, but I think we all need to wait for Snow Leopard Server BETAs instead of just relying on this Developer Preview. At that time I'll also be trying an upgrade of Snow Leopard Server cloned on an external drives.

    (FWIW, I don't intend on running any of these Lion pre-releases on any internal drive because I don't have a system that I can risk.)

    Awesome! Thanks for the update.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. Harry Potter and the
  • Harry Potter and the

  • MacViolinist
    Oct 16, 07:46 PM
    I would love something along the lines of a nano that made phone calls. I could even do without the numeric pad.

    harry potter wallpaper for mobile. harry potter wallpaper for
  • harry potter wallpaper for

  • jerome65
    Mar 24, 11:59 AM
    I don't buy it; Apple offers the Apple TV for $99 which provides AirPlay. I don't think they'll license out the software; Apple has too many negative experiences with licensing out software... :cool:

    How many AppleTV's were sold last year? How many TV's? How many DVD players? How many AV Receivers?

    If AirPlay were implemented on 50% of the TV's being sold and 50% of the AV receivers, 50% of the DVD players, Sony PlayStation, and Nintendo Wii then even at only $4 per device they could end up making more money than they do with AppleTV and in the end make the living room "simpler" for their customers. They would also boost potential sales and rentals of video from the iTunes store.

    Just look at the proliferation of Netflix streaming enabled devices on the market today, there is a lot of money to be made here even if it does end up killing the AppleTV.

    Apr 11, 05:43 PM
    Around here, I'm fairly certain it's around $4/Gal.

    The cheapest gas station in the area is a good 3-4 miles down, and I still drive there to get gas.

    The other day I saw it for $3.60/Gal, and filled it up. Honda Civics FTW.

    Apr 26, 02:25 AM

    Something odd happened to me yesterday and I'd like to ask for your opinion. I had been postponing the latest update of OSX for a few weeks and decided to finally install this update yesterday.

    After installing this update, my iMac became terribly slow up to the point that it is basically unusable. Booting up takes ages and when logged in I see the spinning beach ball more than I'd like. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and decided to simply do a clean install as I did not have the time to figure this out.

    After a clean install, I downloaded all the updates and the iMac seemed to run smooth again, but this morning I noticed that the iMac is again extremely slow.

    Has anyone of you experienced this problem before?

    Some additional information:
    - iMac 20" 2.4GHz 4GB RAM 320 HDD
    - tried resetting PRAM
    - HDD only has one partition (so no Bootcamp)

    I have run an Apple Hardware Test and I am getting an HDD error. The odd thing is that when I now boot from the install DVD and launch Disk Utility, my HD is not even showing up. It only shows up as a drive labeled "Media".

    Dec 27, 11:29 PM
    By the way, the iPhone Blog has something a bit more rational and realistic (http://www.theiphoneblog.com/2009/12/28/iphone-nyc-att-periodically-modifies-promotions-distribution-channels/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheIphoneBlog+%28The+iPhone+Blog%29):

    TechCrunch doesn’t seem to be having too much trouble finding them and simply suggests AT&T’s online system pulls from a different warehouse and seems to be out of stock in the area:
    So if you really want to buy an iPhone in New York City, go to an AT&T store, or an Apple Store. Or try Apple’s website. That seems to be taking orders for New York City residents just fine ( I got up to the checkout).
    TiPb contacted AT&T PR and got the following, which we’re grateful for given the holidays, the weekend, and the late hour, though it is a tad on the cryptic side:
    “We periodically modify our promotions and distribution channels.”

    It would appear that a little independent research will show that getting an iPhone in NYC is still very possible.

    And, the Consumerist has once again proven in a different story that panicky reporting can be bad (http://consumerist.com/2009/12/next-time-you-fly-prepare-to-be-patted-down-and-computerless.html).

    Sep 22, 11:21 AM
    Okay, I'll agree with you about not being able to "custom" build your own Macintosh. It has drawbacks and advantages. Mostly advantages in my opinion. Apple has always made systems that perform more predictably. Simply put, the software (OS) and the hardware work better hand in hand. Although Microsoft has done pretty good with XP, it does some neat stuff, but I still prefer OS X. However, even though you can't build your own Mac, it is very easy to add after market upgrades such as hard drives, RAM, PCI cards, etc etc...at least in the towers. Obviously, the iMac is for the person who does not care to go inside their computer, they just want something that turns on and works. Today, most of the hardware is pretty interchangeable.

    In the future I'd like to see the hardware makers standardize even more, so maybe all the PCI cards could work in both systems without the need for different ROMS, but that will probably never happen, due to the stark differences in how Apple and Intel/AMD design the MB.

    I don't know about the 2 processor limit on the G4. I always thought if the processor supported SMP, then you could go to town.

    I never remember seeing any PCs with USB until after Apple released the original iMac. If they did, they sure were not using it much. In fact, they still mostly use the PS/2 ports. Maybe because the PC liked to crash back in the Win98 days. USB was definitely plug and pray for them back then.

    I personally don't mind what Apple charges, since they make a product that works. I never go a week without hearing someone crying about something being wrong with their PC and Windows.


    Apr 29, 12:59 PM
    Mac OS X 10.5.8.

    firefox 3.6.17

    just happened, that i could save to pdf, or better "create pdf files" two days ago.. with just this configuration (no updates since...)

    and since yesterday i cannot open the firefox-creeated pdfs anymore...

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