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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture

jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. #39;Mona Lisa#39;: Why Jackie
  • #39;Mona Lisa#39;: Why Jackie

  • inhrntlyunstabl
    Apr 27, 09:52 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    A white truck just drove by my house. Was this your truck? How is me looking outside the window and seeing some anonymous truck tracking that individual's location?!

    Grow up and get smart!

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis- A
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis- A

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    How could you not see this coming. Even the most active anti-apple android fanboy/cheerleader could see that eventually it wouldn't work. Too many cooks in 'teh' kitchen trying to one up the competition whilst ruining the experience for the user.

    I think everyone saw it. The question is what will Google do when they do publish the source code? All of these people pointing and laughing didn't read the article.

    At least, that's what the Fandroids wanted us to believe when Android fragmentation started being tossed around as a problem. Where are those guys now that Google is actually acknowledging that it's a problem? :eek:

    Not a problem for me. HTC does a great job keeping phones updated.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. |Pictures jacqueline kennedy
  • |Pictures jacqueline kennedy

  • Tymmz
    Aug 8, 01:09 AM
    Nothing impressive really... top secrets should be good.

    Time Machine is ok. It looks awful for an Apple product, what is up with that background? Ugly.

    I totally agree, it looked quite ugly.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jackie#39;s grief for her #39;true
  • Jackie#39;s grief for her #39;true

  • Amnak
    Apr 7, 10:55 PM
    Normally I'd call bs, but I got mine at Best Buy and my friend a former employ asked if they had any more, the said technically no but for him they'd "find" one. Thank god I got it from there for reward pointssss!

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. famous first lady, jacqueline
  • famous first lady, jacqueline

  • Arcus
    Apr 25, 03:46 PM
    Sued for breaking what law?

    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jackie Kennedy: text, images,
  • Jackie Kennedy: text, images,

  • tundrabuggy
    Apr 19, 03:35 PM
    So True...

    Poor lost souls rely on Steve to think for them, bring them courage, and guide them in worship.

    Anyone who fails to fall in line, is immediately a threat to them.

    It's this weakness is laughable.

    Funny, I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan, the fans are fanatics and everyone who is not a Dallas fan HATES the Cowboys. I feel the same heat being an Apple fanatic. The fans are loyal and defending of the brand while every other tech fan hates us. I need a big white Apple logo with a blue Dallas Cowboy star in it. I might be shot!!!! lol

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. USS John F. Kennedy arriving
  • USS John F. Kennedy arriving

  • treblah
    Sep 19, 07:37 AM
    These kinds of arguments are always lame.

    1. People have lifes, not everyone is as much as a geek as you to know exactly how many transistors are in the next Intel processor. That is a code name by the way, Steve is not going to step up and go "Merom Macbook Pros!" on stage. He will look like a Moron.

    2. So? Who is Apple to tell me how much of an improvement I should expect from something? When's the last time you seen Ford advertise "05 Ford Falcon! Fuel efficiency lags behind competing models by under 10%, same old reliable Ford Falcon with 2 year old design, still at same old price of $19,999"

    If there is even so much as 0.001% of improvement you are gonna see Steve step up onto the keynote like a lappy dog and brag it to sound like it is greater than the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's sales 101 for you.

    3. Meroms support 64 bit code. 64 bit code like Leopard (although we don't know for sure), or code like Vista x64 (that is 100% for sure). Sure, you might not mind running things in half arsed modes like some Frankinstein hybrid 32/64 bit system like Tiger is, but some people might actually *gasp* appreciate the ability to judge 64 bit code. Get off your high horse already, if you disagree just keep it to yourself. Not like your arrogant rants contributed anything either.

    It's early but what the hay.

    My post was not an argument. More of a joking preemption of the usual misspelling and disinformation that is usually spread during any Merom thread. So calm the ***** down.

    1. Because Intel calls Conroe and Merom Core 2 Duo, it makes sense to call them by their codenames. Of course Steve isn't going to call it a Merom, and unless they have a new case design, I seriously doubt Steve will call it anything and just let a Tuesday morning PR do the talking.

    2. I honestly have no clue as to what you are trying to convey here.

    3. Wow, just wow. I'm going to break this down into subsections. a) What exactly do you think 'top to bottom' 64-bit means when Steve calls Leopard that? b) So in your opinion a Universal binary is a 'half-assed Frankenstein hybrid'? And Apple would be better off selling a x86 and a x64 version of Leopard? c) Pretty sure we've had this discussion before, correct me if I'm wrong, but please tell me again why having a "64-bit" processor in a enclosure that doesn't support >4GB of RAM is a big deal. I'll wait. Hint: Because 64 is higher than 32 and that means it's better is not the right answer.

    Also, thanks for the laugh.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis

  • Super Dave
    Aug 7, 04:33 PM
    I dont think the "Top Secret" stuff is really top secret. I think Apple needs some more time to develope a few things before releasing them out into the public. No reason to release buggy apps.

    Remember, WWDC was pushed back this year. THey aren't done with Leopard just yet.

    They certainly aren't done, but they're announcing it within the same length time frame as they did with Tiger if I recall.

    I actually believed him on the "Top Secret" stuff. Every vista build changes, so it's good to not let too much out of the bag until Vista is either interface frozen or released.

    David :cool:

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. III - JACKIE KENNEDY 3

  • Nuvi
    Apr 11, 12:01 AM
    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

    Because professional editors give flying-F about FCP if Apple doesn't deliver. Its about putting food on the table and not about being a fan boy. If Apple doesn't deliver a solution that is comparable with Avid MC the mass exodus away from FCP will continue. Some iOS stuff and Steve can shove it. Mr Jobs had good sense of keeping his fingers out of the Pixar so I truly hope he doesn't crap on FCS mix.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. as the Jacqueline Kennedy
  • as the Jacqueline Kennedy

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 03:11 PM


    And that's not good.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. A motorcade carries President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy through the streets of Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.
  • A motorcade carries President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy through the streets of Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

  • sth
    Apr 5, 06:56 PM
    Hoping they'll be a Final Cut Pro Express derived from this version.. the current Express is getting a bit long in the tooth. The UI is hideous by today's standards.
    Either that or if they release it on the AppStore: Make the base application as affordable as FCE and make the other parts of FCS seperate apps or in-App purchases.

    Probably not at NAB, but many of the lines are due or overdue and they have made plenty of releases around NAB before (pretty much every year they have released something).

    4/2010 - Macbook Pro
    4/2008 - iMacs
    4/2007 - Mac Pros
    4/2006 - Macbook Pro
    4/2005 - Power Macs
    4/2004 - iBooks/iMacs
    4/2003 - iBooks
    I guess the iMacs are due before WWDC but I somehow don't think they'll release them the same day as the new Final Cut. This release of Final Cut has been years in the making, so they'll probably don't want the media coverage to be overshadowed by other announcements.

    I'd love to see refreshed iMacs, though. ;)

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and

  • Moyank24
    Feb 27, 09:03 PM
    The Catholic Church strikes again...

    Apparently the students are really upset, so I'm interested to see what, if any, impact that will have.

    In a move that infuriated some students, Chestnut Hill College abruptly terminated the teaching contract of an adjunct professor, saying his 15-year relationship with another man defied Roman Catholic Church teachings.

    The Rev. James St. George, 45, of Lansdale, was due to teach two courses - world religions, and theology and justice - starting Tuesday at the Catholic college in Northwest Philadelphia.

    That all changed Feb. 18 when the priest, who is pastor at St. Miriam Catholic Apostolic Church in Blue Bell, received a terse note from the school saying his services were no longer needed. He was floored.

    "I'm still trying to find my sea legs," he said Saturday. He said he could not get college administrators to return calls to give him an explanation.

    On Friday, though, the college issued a statement accusing him not only of being gay, which it called contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine, but also of misrepresenting before he was hired that he was a member of an independent branch of Catholicism.

    He denied both accusations Saturday, saying he never hid his sexuality or his affiliation with the Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas from school officials.

    The college recruited him, not the other way around, he said. In a meeting with officials, he recalled asking: "You know I'm not a Roman Catholic priest, right?"

    They replied, "We have all denominations here. It's no problem," St. George said.

    "Now they say, 'He fooled us,' " St. George said. " 'He calls himself Father St. George.' Well, I am a priest. I have always been Father Jim. From the day I was ordained, I have never made any secret of what church it was."

    He said he had been validly ordained through the Old Catholic Apostolic Church, which some consider illicit because it has no ties with the Vatican. The branch allows its priests to be gay or straight, celibate or married, male or female.

    "They are trying to say, 'He really isn't a priest because he belongs to this other church,' " St. George said. "It's all lies. There's no other word for me to use."

    St. George said his homosexuality hadn't been specifically discussed before his hiring, although he has referred to it on his blog, "Venture of Faith."

    "What am I supposed to do?" he said, "Say, 'Before we go any further, I'm gay'? Who says that?"

    College officials could not be reached Saturday for comment. But a statement issued by the college president, Sister Carol Jean Vale, said:

    "At the time St. George joined our faculty, he presented himself as Father St. George and openly wore a traditional Catholic priest's collar. While St. George appears to be an ordained pastor - he leads St. Miriam, an independent and self-described reformed Antioch-rite Catholic house of worship located in Blue Bell, Pa. - his church allows priests the option to engage in same-sex partnerships. This is contrary to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

    "It was with great disappointment when we learned through St. George's public statements of his involvement in a gay relationship with another man for the past 15 years. It is important to note that this information came to our attention only after St. George chose to make his private life public information on his blog.

    "While we welcome diversity, it is expected that all members of our college community, regardless of their personal beliefs, respect and uphold our Roman Catholic mission, character, and values both in the classroom and in public statements that identify them with our school. For this reason, we chose not to offer an additional teaching contract to St. George."

    Full article

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. and clean suits as well as
  • and clean suits as well as

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 05:48 PM
    Also a very good point, so I need a bigger main HD for my MacBookPro (the new Seagate 160GB becomes interesting) for Time Machine, but i still need to back the hole thing up to an external HD in case of a HD crash (I had 2 in the last 8 months!). So Tine Machine doesn't make Backups obsolete, I didn't even think of that up to now. Hmmm..

    They way I understand it, Time Machine is SUPPOSED to be used with an external...the page on the Leopard site even has an icon of an iMac connected to an External. I'm sure you can use your Internal drive if you want, but I don't see the point of that.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. and clean suits as well as
  • and clean suits as well as

  • Leoff
    Aug 6, 05:36 AM
    MacBegginer and MacBookBeginner: Enough of this "Pro" stuff, the MacBeginner will be an old beige Performas with a Duo core shoved in there, to help the recycling effort. The MacBookBeginner will be an old 1400c, as they had a few dozen still laying about.

    MacCon: A cardboard box with both an Apple and "Intel Inside" logo on the front, a blank CD stuck in the side, and a hole in the top (simulated iSight for your friends). Will still be superior to anything Dell has.

    iPod Newton: Radical case design redesign for the iPod where it will now survive a fall from an apple tree.

    XBox Server: Microsoft and Apple join forces again. X-box controls included with every XServer, but because it's Microsoft, it locks up more frequently. Server reliability plummets, but the help desk techs have a LOT of fun.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • milo
    Jul 14, 03:21 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.

    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    Against this, you have the confusion generated by a Mac with two optical drives. I have a Mac with two optical drives (an in-built combo drive, and a FW DVD burner), and it's not terribly elegant. It's fine when reading disks (obviously), but writing them generates some confusion. How sure am I that I'm burning to the right drive? I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying this would be unbelievably un-Mac like. It'd be like the next version of iTunes coming with a menu at the top of its window.

    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.

    Copying DVD's, nowadays people are backing up their own materials. Most dvd copying would be making backups of your own discs. Burning multiple discs would be a great option as well. And bluray drives will be INCREDIBLY expensive when these machines ship, not to mention who knows how well they will burn cd's and dvd's (assuming that all bluray drives will be burners, none of them readers only). Many people will want to wait and add a bluray or hd-dvd later, especially since nobody knows which will be the winning format.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • shawnce
    Jul 27, 11:02 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4’s 95 watts and Pentium D’s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    1) The watts numbers listed are TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Power). They are not the amount of power the processor consumes ("drawing").

    2) PPC 970fx falls in the realm of Conroe in terms of heat generation but of course the Conroe has better performance.

    I should note that the PPC 970FX is a single core chip while the PPC 970MP is the dual core one... don't have good numbers for the later but I would guess it would be about 1.75 times (or more) the PPC 970FX in terms of thermal generation and power consumption.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Jackie Kennedy#39;s Half-brother
  • Jackie Kennedy#39;s Half-brother

  • DPazdanISU
    Sep 19, 06:53 AM
    Sorry but I've heard this so many times it gets pretty annoying. Dont assume to know what ppl want to use their Macbooks for. I want to use it for music production which can be very intensive on the processor, other people for graphics etc where a few seconds shaved off processing times when added up many times can make quite a difference to productivity.

    Also, when the new chips come out it will instantly knock a chunk off the resell value - yes this is always the way with technology but buying when an update is coming soon seems silly.

    i agree, I need a computer to encode video in iDVD because it takes forever on my PPC. That little difference in power is a big difference.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. as JFK and Jackie Kennedy
  • as JFK and Jackie Kennedy

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:30 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    jackie kennedy blood stained suit picture. Judging by the lood and brain
  • Judging by the lood and brain

  • FMJessica
    Aug 25, 05:24 PM
    A month ago I turned in my brand new 3 month old MacBook Pro to the Apple store because it had some sort of weird lines on the screen. They weren't anything I'd ever seen before, and when you had an application open over the lines, they dissapeared. Well, Apple send my computer back not fixed. So I had to send it out again, and this time the Apple store forgot to send it out. So eventually it got sent out and it was on hold for a part forever and yada yada yada three weeks later I'm super pissed.

    I called Apple for the millionth time to complain, and finally they connected me to someone who set it up so that I could have a brand new, (and faster from the 1.83 GHz to the 2.0) MBP.

    I had to complain a ton of times, and they still couldn't get my computer fixed in a fair amount of time. They told me everything was "expidited", even the parts they needed, but it was still taking almost a month.

    I was so dissapointed in Apple! I'm a Mac-or-nothing kind of person, and this treatment was unacceptable. No wonder everyone's so pissed off! I'm glad it's not just me, but at the same time I hope they do something about it.

    Anyway, my new computer is way better, and they also threw in 100$ off any iPod + my student discount, so we've made up.

    BTW, I got my new new computer last weekend, so this was super recent.


    Apr 7, 11:21 PM
    i talked to a friend of mine thats a GM of a bestbuy store. He or his regional manager didnt know why or who put the stop sell order
    on the ipads this morning. At 6pm they still didnt know why.
    The email only said dont sell new in the box ipad 2s, sell through
    your preorders and open items. no other instructions
    were given. i think they over sold there preorders at some locations.

    Aug 5, 03:38 PM
    cant wait... merom book pros cmon!!!!

    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    Doesn't mean he's not right on this one.

    Aug 12, 10:49 AM
    If this phone would affect Nano sales, do you think that could be the reason Apple is giving them away with MacBook and MacBookPro sales? Trying to get rid of extra stock before the iPhone is released?

    just a thought


    Oct 22, 01:21 PM
    I heard Leo Laporte talking about this on his KFI podcast... exciting... one question... how many softwares take advantage of multi cores? I understand that the OS can deal with it for multi tasking, but how many programs multi thread?


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