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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics

justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. New Justin Bieber Haircuts
  • New Justin Bieber Haircuts

  • sierra oscar
    Sep 19, 08:53 AM
    It's not quite 0700 Cupertino time - so maybe? :)

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber New Hairstyle
  • Justin Bieber New Hairstyle

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 6, 11:31 AM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    Thanks HH for those stats!:cool:

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber short haircut
  • Justin Bieber short haircut

  • shawnce
    Jul 27, 04:19 PM
    This may be a bit of a disappointment, but I think that Merom is still in the "past:" merom is not a 64-bit chip. None of these Core 2's are. They just have EM64T (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EM64T), which allows them to address more than 4 GB of memory directly. These are not true 64-bit processors like the G5--that is, the Core 2 Duo won't work with 64-bit applications.

    You are incorrect. The Core 2 family of processors are 64 bit processors.... they support 64 bit integer math, they support load/store using 64 bit virtual addresses (also at least 40 bit of physical), sport 64 bit wide register file, they support the larger register set enabled by EM64T, etc.

    They are 64 bit just like the G5 (PPC 970/FX/MP) is 64 bit (granted 64 bit support on PowerPC chips is a little more transparent).

    The Itanium is a completely different type of ISA of which 64 bit support is only one feature.

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  • justin+ieber+new+haircut+

  • mrgazpacho
    Aug 27, 09:08 AM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber New Hairstyle
  • Justin Bieber New Hairstyle

  • pocketrockets
    Aug 26, 11:33 AM
    Does anyone know what happens when you dial Applecare (1800 275 2273) and hit 9? I accidentally did that...

    And also, I registered my Applecare and when I go to apple.com/support to see how many days left on the warranty, it says 90 from when the last service was. How come it doesnt say the hundreds of days I should have left.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin+ieber+new+haircut+
  • Justin+ieber+new+haircut+

  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 07:47 AM
    It's amazing how the message can be impacted so much by where it is coming from. If leekohler would have said "I'm chronically gay," many of us might've gotten a chuckle out of it. ;)

    The sheer willful ignorance is astounding. People like this do not want to understand others who are different from them. They want to remain ignorant.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. But for Justin Bieber, a new
  • But for Justin Bieber, a new

  • clevin
    Aug 7, 07:13 PM
    I keep reading stuff like this. I don't think Time Machine works with the reagular harddrive. You have to use it with an external drive.
    thats a kinda harsh requirement, i would think it will allow you to choose local/external hard drive/network server.
    Buts till, it will cost lot of space, no matter where the space is from.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011
  • Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011

  • TripHop
    Jun 10, 05:55 PM
    Gazelle (http://www.gazelle.com/) buys old iPhones too. :)

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber#39;s new haircut
  • Justin Bieber#39;s new haircut

  • nostaws
    Apr 10, 12:59 AM
    Hey. But there is something to be said for familiarity. We all know how to use it. But I agree an update would be nice.

    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin+ieber+new+haircut+
  • Justin+ieber+new+haircut+

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 7, 10:49 PM
    Weird... I think there's more involved in this than we can imagine.

    One thing that comes to my mind is the possibility they were holding their stock to sell it outside the country, as there's been a high demand and higher value to sell overseas.

    Or... a competitor made an arrangement with Be$t Buy to sell a minimum quota a day (well... very odd, but possible) for who knows what reason.

    It's a strange concept on BB's part, but if I had a store I would sell all my stock if there's a demand for it. If I hold off, my customers would be driven away to a competitor and I would loose both present and future sales.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber#39;s New Haircut!
  • Justin Bieber#39;s New Haircut!

  • glassbathroom
    Jul 28, 03:18 AM
    It absolutely will!!! Leopard is just going to be mostly beneficial for dual-core machines. Read this article:


    Leopard sounds FAST!

    MOSR is always good for a laugh, but don't be fooled into believing any of it.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011
  • Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 19, 09:21 AM
    I'm 100% sure the GT site says all the cars were remodeled for the ps3, as in not the ps2 cars.



    As in not copypasta'd over from gt4.
    All that I get from that quote is that they are using older models, but that they will, obviously, be rendered in the new GT5 engine. So, the marketing team can say all they want, but actual screen shots of Standard� cars do not show much improvement, if any at all, resolution increase notwithstanding.
    Do we know if all cars have fully modelled interiors or if thats just for the luxury cars?
    No, the only cars that have an interior view are the Premium� models. From NSB's link above...
    Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber#39;s signature hair
  • Justin Bieber#39;s signature hair

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:15 AM
    BTW: Im so glad to have some MAC rumors to talk about...the 24/7 iOS fest gets tiresome :rolleyes:

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber shocked the
  • Justin Bieber shocked the

  • ssk2
    Mar 22, 04:40 PM
    You know, on second thought....there never will be an iPad "killer".

    Show me a single tablet, from any manufacturer...that will out-sell the iPad.

    You can't.

    Which of the announced competitors will sell over 15 million in a year? To be the iPad killer...something will have to sell at least 15 million...and that was before iPad2 was released.

    Even if you take into account something that has not been announced yet...you can't find an iPad killer. There are too many competitors to the throne...how can the public differentiate between the competitors, some of which are the same thing hardware and software wise....and pick one that will be the "killer".

    There has not been an iPhone killer released ever....there has not been an iPod killer released ever...and there will not be an iPad killer released...ever.

    And yes, the Android fanboi cult will chime in and tout the latest and greatest...which will be superseded in two weeks by something else from HTC or Motorola or whoever...if any of these are the killer..why are their sales so much lower than a comparative iDevice?

    And don't toss me total number of Android sales or activations....show me a single model from any manufacturer that has sold greater than any comparable Apple portable device (iPad, iPhone, iPod)....there isn't one.

    (awaiting the "sales don't matter" comments...and "specs are where its at" dribble.....)

    This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in my first post on this thread - fanboyism at its worst.

    "There will never be an iPad killer"? What a ridiculous statement to make. Who knows where mobile tablet computing is heading in the next 1/2/3/10 years. Maybe demand for small tablets will rise? Maybe other operating systems will outstrip iOS? You knows how many units ANY particular tablet will sell next year? It so dismaying to see such a ridiculous view spouted as gospel.

    And anyway, why the obsession with a 'killer'? People don't use a Dyson vacuum cleaner because its a Bosch vacuum killer, people don't use chopsticks because they are cutlery killers, hell, apply the analogy to anything. People will ALWAYS pick (rabid fanboys aside) the consumer tool that works best for them. If that means that I find the Playbook fits my needs, I don't give two hoots if it's not an iPad killer. It really doesn't matter to the sane individual.

    FWIW, I believe that for all its failings, Android's spread across many developer platforms DOES have its benefits - who knows, we may seem a really strong Android OS this time next year?

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. justin bieber hair cut
  • justin bieber hair cut

  • GooMan
    Apr 13, 02:26 PM
    Please explain this. You'd buy an iPhone 5 with HSPA+, but not one with LTE ? Why ? Makes no sense at all.

    Because if Apple release an iPhone 5 with LTE, it will cost more and won't be backwards compatible... right... :rolleyes:

    Obviously not a factor.
    1) I'm perfectly happy with the data speeds I get on AT&T 3G. I would guess the new 4G phones will suffer in battery life. I don't want to give up battery life for network speed I don't really need. If I had to choose I would choose battery life every time.

    2) It's not the cost of the phone, its the cost of the data plan. I would guess it will be like the iPhone 3G launch where AT&T forced you into a 3G plan even if you didn't have 3G coverage in your area. Remember the original $20 iPhone unlimited data plan and how it went away when the new hardware was released?

    3) I currently have unlimited data with AT&T which I would like to keep although I've never used > 1.5GB in a month. I doubt very seriously this will be an option with the new "4G" network plans.

    4) I can wait for a "4G" phone until there is decent "4G" coverage.

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  • justinbieber 2011!!”

  • BaldiMac
    Apr 19, 04:00 PM
    I'm speaking about estimated Q1/11 to Q4/10 numbers (the est. Q1/11 numbers is what that news was about...). And what about reading the graphs I posted yourself? :rolleyes:

    Well that's a pretty disingenuous comparison for a device on an annual release schedule. Year over year would be more appropriate.

    I saw the table you posted. It doesn't prove what you said.

    You said "Apple is losing marketshare for over 2 years now." Apple has increased their market share by more than 50% over the last two years.

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  • Justin+ieber+new+haircut+

  • �algiris
    Mar 26, 02:25 AM
    Been on Lion for the past month and I can't see myself going back to Snow Leopard.

    Same here. Buggy as hell, but i like what i see.

    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Bieber#39;s Got a New
  • Justin Bieber#39;s Got a New

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 27, 08:17 AM
    I believe Intel has been having trouble getting the required chipsets out on time to the desktop market.

    You can get the chips themselves without much trouble- the retail versions are available at Newegg for the 1.86, 2.13, 2.66, and 2.93 Extreme Core 2 Duo chips, with the sole out of stock chip being the 2.4GHz chip, with an estimated time of arrival being Sept. 1st at 2:30PM.
    I was at a local DIY store Saturday, and they had stacks of Core 2 Duo (Conroe) chips in all speeds, and lots of mobos with 965 and 975 chipsets.

    It would be unusual for that store to have all that kit if there's a supply problem.


    justin bieber new haircut 2011 pics. Justin Beiber#39;s New Haircut
  • Justin Beiber#39;s New Haircut

  • ptysell
    Apr 25, 02:24 PM
    This is why we need loser pays in the United States.

    Apr 10, 01:49 PM
    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    LOL, if you think final cut is from the 90's then Avid Media Composer is from the 50's. It's horrible GUI. I wouldn't learn it, if they paid me big bucks. Well I take that back, I would, but I would hate it. Avid Looks like a POS, the graphics designers at Avid have always been behind though. Look at Protools.

    Sep 19, 08:07 AM
    Unofficial MacRumors Newbie Prediction:

    First week of October for MBP. (October 4th)

    Fourth week of October for MB. (October 24rd)

    Apr 27, 08:02 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database is logging ourbgeneral location. :mad:

    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    Aug 5, 04:55 PM
    Can someone confirm my calculations?

    The keynote will start 8PM UK time?

    No, it's 6pm UK time according to the countdown clock on the macrumors homepage.

    Apr 25, 03:06 PM
    I could have sworn that the fed govt is barred from spying on us, but private citizens can do this all day long.

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