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Thursday, May 26, 2011

minnie mouse tattoos

minnie mouse tattoos. minnie mouse tattoos
  • minnie mouse tattoos

  • BlindSoul
    Apr 15, 02:19 PM
    Listen that's kinda odd you're actually saying that, cause you know it's just a nickname. And you probably didn't exactly read my thread but please re-read it you've answered something I didn't actually mean to.

    minnie mouse tattoos. little Minnie Mouse black
  • little Minnie Mouse black

  • Bern
    Nov 11, 02:50 AM
    I'm not sure why you guys think the ads are more amusing simply because they're in a foreign language :confused: Not everyone in the world speaks english.

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse who I#39;m
  • Minnie Mouse who I#39;m

  • ChrisA
    Oct 26, 03:10 PM
    You're absolutely right but as a dev I'd say Adobe is throwing away a large chunk of the Mac market as many users will still have PowerPC machines even when this app comes out. Maybe, Adobe is not after the Mac market at all here. They're really interested in the Windows market but the port to x86 mac was pretty easy.

    If you make a Universal Binary the program not only has to run on the PPC but has to hve usable performance. So they would have to taylor the program's feature set so that the PPC was not over taxed.

    If you design a program with a target minimum system requirement of "at least a dual core Intel processor and 1GB RAM" you can add a lot of nice features that you could not have if the program had to run on a G4 or G5.

    One relivent bit of info is that user's tend to buy most of their software near the time when they buy a new computer. People with older machines simply don't buy much new software. So while there are thousands of PPC Macs in the world not many of those Mac owners will be potential costomers while almost everyone who buys a new computer is a software buyer.

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse in 1928.
  • Minnie Mouse in 1928.

  • iMeowbot
    Oct 27, 03:51 PM
    Damn Early for x86 only mac software!
    This is to be expected. Apple sold 680x0 Macs right into mid-1996, but support for the chip was even disappearing from mainstream stuff like Netscape by 1998.

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse rib tattoo
  • Minnie Mouse rib tattoo

  • redscull
    Apr 5, 12:40 PM
    What iPad user can't figure out how to use iTunes to sync the thing? My 65-year old mother figured out how to sync her iPod classic. How is iPad syncing any different or more complicated than what people have been doing for a decade? iPad does not require a tech genius - or 12 year old kid - to keep it working.It's not about figuring it out. It's about having a computer period. A normal person doesn't own multiple computers. He owns a computer. He might not even have bought it himself, and certainly won't maintain multiple computers (nor will the person who gifted the computer). So once the tablet is the normal person's computer, it's going to be the only one he's using. Telling him he needs a second computer just to use his primary computer is unacceptable.

    Example: My mom has a computer. It was a Christmas present from me one year. But now it's old, full of crap, and needs replacing. But instead of upgrading it, I got her an iPad. It meets all her computer needs (except printing). That old clunker is in no shape to run iTunes; it's hard drive isn't even as large as the iPad's! I certainly won't be upgrading her desktop just to let her sync her iPad, nor will she when she's happy using just the iPad. She gets updates on the occasions that I visit with my MBP.

    The system works well enough; her iPad is her sole computer. But it requires that I, the tech relative, keep it updated.

    minnie mouse tattoos. These 2 small tattoos fit her
  • These 2 small tattoos fit her

  • Loonytik
    Apr 1, 08:48 AM
    ...Hummm.... thinking about it... maybe it's not so dumb? If each channel was $.99 and I could pick Ala-carte who I wanted, I know my Cable bill would go from $40 per-month to less than $10. Maybe they are onto something thinking about it?


    Ala-Carte. No. No, they won't have that.

    minnie mouse tattoos. So much fun to wear, these Mickey#39;s Clubhouse temporary tattoos are easy to apply and remove. Includes Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Mickey Mouse. Tattoos come on
  • So much fun to wear, these Mickey#39;s Clubhouse temporary tattoos are easy to apply and remove. Includes Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Mickey Mouse. Tattoos come on

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 25, 08:53 PM

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse
  • Minnie Mouse

  • martynmc7
    Mar 19, 07:31 PM
    It's a companion device

    Personally I would have found it very handy during my studying years, purely due to the form factor and diary/ notepad functions.

    Not to mention textbooks! If could have all my textbooks and journal articles collated on one device where I could easily read them reclined and at my leisure I would be incredibly grateful! Not to mention the device's usefulness as a presenting tool, much nicer than lugging a laptop around.

    For any individual in academia I would imagine those would be three huge selling points.

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse Assortment of
  • Minnie Mouse Assortment of

  • Gasu E.
    Mar 25, 09:20 AM
    i bet they had people there with MBA's from good schools running financial what if's and telling management to avoid digital because they will make less money due to not selling the film or anything other than the camera

    They did not avoid digital at all, in fact they were an early entrant to digital. The problem was that they were used to having a lucrative near-monopoly in film, a fat side business in film processing and a nice low-end camera business built around proprietary "connvenience" film packaging. They were now facing aggressive consumer electronics companies who were used to relently feature upgrades and short model lifecycles. Moreover, they could not rely on their film dominance to keep competitors at a disadvantage. In other words, they had to change their business model completely-- from near monopoly to completely competitive-- in order to success in the new business. Only a fraction of companies manage to do this successfully.

    Keep in mind, also, due to the increased competition and lack of a film component, that the opportunity for Kodak in digital was much smaller than their film and related businesses. It's very hard to manage a shrinking company, and even harder if you are also trying to reinvent yourself.

    minnie mouse tattoos. mama#39;s minnie mouse tattoo
  • mama#39;s minnie mouse tattoo

  • suMMx
    Mar 17, 01:26 AM
    $3.90 for regular today, I paid $50 to fill my scion tc

    minnie mouse tattoos. minnie mouse tattoo
  • minnie mouse tattoo

  • valkraider
    Aug 19, 10:43 AM
    While I am never going to use Places - or anything else like it - I think all these worries may be a little misplaced.

    People can sit outside your home and watch to see if you are home. People can look at your lights or your windows or even send someone to knock on your door - and find out if you are home.

    People were getting robbed long before Facebook.

    And also - status updates like "Having fun on vacation in Hong Kong - two weeks seems too short" make it painfully obvious that you are not at home....

    And even though you can set this stuff only visible to friends - and even set up groups within your friends like "trusted" and "not trusted" or "work" and "personal" and you can adjust visibility that way at a granular level - even though you can do all that: There are ways that the rest of the world can "mine" all of your posts and data.

    Just assume that anything you put on facebook is visible to the entire world and will be so for the rest of time...

    But I won't use Places. People I want to know where I am - I tell them.

    minnie mouse tattoos. minnie mouse. tattoo design
  • minnie mouse. tattoo design

  • StealthRider
    Sep 14, 06:00 PM
    Yeah, I get to have my wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's anesthesia for me too!

    Although...this should be ok...because my step-grandfather founded the anesthesia department at Cincinnati Children's. So...the current head of department is personally putting me under. I'm expecting a great nights sleep after that...

    minnie mouse tattoos. disney minnie mouse disney
  • disney minnie mouse disney

  • -SD-
    Jul 20, 02:56 PM
    Ok, so it's not white then....

    The 4GB Arcade S has been confirmed (http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/20/new-xbox-360-4gb-ships-august-3rd-for-199-kinect-standalone-pr/). Matte black finish without silver trim.


    minnie mouse tattoos. MICKEY + MINNIE MOUSE bleeding
  • MICKEY + MINNIE MOUSE bleeding

  • Di9it8
    Oct 26, 03:32 AM
    This is what you get on the Apple New Zealand site:D

    minnie mouse tattoos. characters, Minnie Mouse.
  • characters, Minnie Mouse.

  • whoodie
    Mar 19, 12:09 PM
    I got in line at Knox at roughly 5am. At 7:30 an apple employee came out to hand out tickets. He got 15 people down the line and then said he was out. I was about 20-30th in line. Sounds like we all got fed a line of BS when we were told they held all shipments from this week for Sat. morning.

    minnie mouse tattoos. Minnie Mouse Tattoos | Tattoos
  • Minnie Mouse Tattoos | Tattoos

  • Abulia
    Sep 20, 02:32 PM
    I've read the various comments about problems with the updates with RAID 0. Can anyone confirm if the update goes ok on RAID 1? I would think it would since from a boot point of view they might as well be individual disks.
    I would say it still wouldn't work, as the OS X RAID implementation is software RAID. Hence, OS X has to boot to get the RAID array working.

    In the case of RAID 1 if it did work it might break the mirror (no big deal).

    Give it a shot. Worse case it won't work; shouldn't affect your data at all.

    minnie mouse tattoos. minnie mouse tattoo
  • minnie mouse tattoo

  • Foggy
    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?

    Possibly the Intel developers conference. Think its next week....

    minnie mouse tattoos. mickey minnie mouse
  • mickey minnie mouse

  • bizzle
    Apr 11, 06:14 PM
    I paid $3.50 today 87 in NJ. I fill up every three days for work. I get around 27-28 mpg in my 05 Civic Si.

    minnie mouse tattoos. mickey mouse tattoos,
  • mickey mouse tattoos,

  • bedifferent
    Feb 19, 09:36 PM
    And Republicans are reknowned for being on the bread-line?! :confused::D

    Yeah, didn't you know? Bush lost MILLIONS in oil investments and Cheney is practically broke from the no-bid contracts Halliburton got during their administration. In fact, Condoleezza Rice had a hard time buying thousands of dollars in Ferragamo shoes on Fifth Ave while on vacation during Katrina, "How Condi Rice Spent the Storm" (http://www.counterpunch.org/mabry05152007.html).

    Mar 12, 05:13 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5298/5520365719_1c7443dc0a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane/5520365719/in/photostream/)

    Nice one! :)

    Sep 1, 08:42 AM
    I bet safari feels faster. :rolleyes: :D

    Apr 9, 01:55 PM
    If people are the greatest asset then paying people to diminish that asset is a very dumb idea.

    Unless that asset is actually a liability. ;)

    Apr 19, 10:28 AM
    File Sharing (1:24)

    May 3, 10:28 AM
    Yeah, you might want to hold off on your move to Canada... This is going to be an interesting 4 years.

    I was wrong about this election, I had posted elsewhere this was not going to change much, but I didn't realize that the Liberals and the Bloc were that weak. The losses of the Bloc boosted the NDP seats in Quebec, and the Liberal weakness helped both the NDP and Conservatives elsewhere.

    The election was pretty crazy, take Ignatieff (who has now resigned BTW) even if you are leader of a party, and your riding has been a stronghold for your party, don't ignore it completely! Then again, check out Bev Oda; apparently you can misuse public money, make very questionable decisions as a minister, lie to parliament and get caught and force your minority government to fall in a vote of non-confidence... but as long as you play nice with the conservative leadership and remain silent, the people will elect you in a landslide. :rolleyes:

    ... I just don't get it.

    Me neither. I thought you Canadians were smarter that this. ;)

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