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Friday, May 27, 2011

wallpaper desktop

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  • benhollberg
    Apr 15, 08:33 AM
    Very wrong there and that will only cause more problems. They do have the right to confiscate it. Just give it up and get it back at the end of the day but don't bring it back again.

    Schools always have police around so it could easily be taken away but why would a school have the right to take something away. I never had this problem in college but in high school they tried to take my iPhone and I wouldn't let them. I said they have no right to take it, they called the police down to the class I was in but by the time they arrived the school days just barely ended. Everything turned out ok.

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  • mr.suff
    Mar 13, 04:47 PM
    Seeing if I get sick of my personal logo by staring at it everyday. I'm hoping I won't.


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  • doctorossi
    May 4, 12:50 PM
    Lemme guess... CDMA 4.2.8 gets none of the performance benefits/bug fixes of 4.3.3?

    What prize do I win?

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  • awmazz
    Mar 16, 06:09 AM
    Thanks Jaffa, I didn't realise that as they are city/town names I'm not familiar with (like Chiba).

    The countries with lower health problems have cheap, affordable access to quality healthcare.

    Australia has affordable quality healthcare. Well, probably like the British healthcare. Is that quality?

    Food is also cheap (compared to income level) in Finland and Sweden, and that includes healthy food.

    Australia has cheap good food too. How much is a kilo of fresh tomatoes in Norway? It's approx $3-5 here. Which is approx 16-28 Norwegian Kroner, or 2-3.5 �.

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  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 06:58 PM
    it's about time to include torrent technology into Quicktime, that would be a feature !

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  • JulienNantes
    Apr 12, 11:10 AM
    IMO Apple built this giant datacenter in order to launch its own search engine to compete with Google. Why ?

    1) When Google launched Android, S. Jobbs became furious, saying that Apple respected Google and didn't try to go on the search market. He was calling for revenge. Soon after, Apple started to build this data center.

    2) Google is now a strong competitor to Apple, and Apple isn't free to not use (yet) Google's services, like their search engine, Google Maps and so on. Clearly, Apple can't consider that with an happy heart.

    3) This new datacenter is really much too big for just handling the few things rumors talked about : MobileME, video, etc. It's obvious they are watching bigger.

    4) It makes sense if Apple want to turn iAdd into a success. (EDIT)

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  • res1233
    May 13, 03:49 PM
    John Daily is obviously a satanist and MicroSoft/Google shill.

    He's also demon spawn!:D

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  • entatlrg
    Apr 28, 09:33 AM
    Like I was saying...

    Such good input to this thread, thanks for taking the time to make the effort! :rolleyes:

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 11, 03:53 PM
    No image is protruding from the screen.


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  • Ateace3
    Jan 3, 08:18 PM
    Mine for the month... or at least the next week.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 22, 02:00 AM
    Am I reading that right? Your G5 can't view 1080? it plays fluid on my Dual 2.7. YouTube or Quicktime.

    I have a Octo Mac Pro that I barely use and a hex core AMD, there's just something really special to my G5 that I've been using everyday since 2005. I keep it maintained, dust free (air dusters) monthly, also recently gave it a new Pioneer DVD-RW with labelflash. I may get another hard drive for it some day. Plenty of space as it is anyway. Western Digital blue 1TB and 500GB Samsung.

    Though I really need to open the G5 cover and check to see what make the pump is.

    Most likely you might have the Delphi pump.. I never had the Panasonic when I had my G5 Quad 2.5 years ago, but then again from what I heard and also read on xlr8yourmac.com, very very few G5 Quads had problems with the LCS and leaks, compared to the dual 2.5 and 2.7 models.

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  • withnail
    Oct 29, 04:09 PM
    ...but then this afternoon I received shipment notification from Apple. Talk about responsive service!

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  • ericinboston
    Mar 29, 10:22 AM
    If Nokia has had these patents for 10 years before the iPhone, then why didn't they act when the iPhone was first released?

    I would ask the same question. However, that's not how patent law works in the USA. Nokia doesn't have to spend their time/money watching other people's products, tearing them apart, and looking for patent infringement. All Nokia needs to do is SOME DAY realize their patent was infringed and then file a lawsuit. That's it.

    But I am sure that Nokia knew a very long time ago that Apple was infringing and did nothing (which is perfectly their right)...and let Apple make billions...then file a lawsuit to cash in. Think about it...why would Nokia file suit immediately to earn, say, a pesky $5 or $20 million (and give Apple a chance to make the product better) when Nokia can wait years and earn hundreds of millions or billions? It's the waiting game that ALL patent holders play.

    I feel that the existing law is fine. It's not Nokia's job to watch for patent stealers. There are thousands of "little guys" out there that file patents and truly do not realize till years down the road that their patent was infringed. The law cannot discriminate.

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  • CarlHeanerd
    Apr 11, 05:21 PM
    I'm blind in my right eye, and this will allow for me to experience 3D for the first time. Existing methods require binocular vision but this works for me, and I was pretty darned convinced. I don't see how you guys can expect better than this, seriously!

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  • Timepass
    Jul 12, 01:30 PM
    wow people are so worried about magnisium being used. First off you dont use the stuff in it pure form. In the pure form it is way to reactive to be used. Make an Alloy out of it an boom you got something really good.

    Heck most stuff made out of alluim is not made made out pure Al. Most of the time it is an Al. The alloy metal is normally li (the lightest of all metals but highly reactive)

    It be some alloy metal with it.

    Heck steel is an alloy. up to about 4% carbon by weight. Most metals we used to day are some alloy.

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  • HyperZboy
    Mar 30, 06:23 PM

    Man, you Mac fanbois are funny...lol.

    I just bought my first Mac two weeks ago, and I'm liking the hardware. But the one thing that does turn me off is the rabid fanboism of the Apple community *sigh*. There are many lovely Apple afficandos out there, but it's the overly vocal minority that turns me off.

    It's like the less they know, the louder they shout. I think this thread shows the level of immaturity and ignorance quite well.

    Please people, instead of crawling out of your mother's basement to yell "Apple rules! Nokia Sucks!", can you please do some research.

    Groklaw has a fairly nice issue on the writeup:


    with an analysis by people probably far more qualified than you.

    Nokia's patent complains are largely based on hardware - things like GSM, wireless radio transmission etc. Things that take billions of dollars of R&D, and that you can't really work around if you want to make say...gee...a cellular telephone?

    Apple's patents are largely on nice, shiny things, and how certain user elements are arranged on the screen. Yes, they are a master of polish, and they're anally retentive and perfectionist in their products - but don't kid yourselves, it's much easier to work around these "patents" on the look and feel, than it is to make a phone that doesn't infringe on 20 years worth of RF and wireless technology.

    And look - a smartphone is a mobile phone, kiddies. It's not some magicaly new device all on its own. At the end of the day, it has a radio transmitter, it connects to the GSM network. It's a cellphone, with PDA functionality built in, ok.

    And Apple isn't litigious? What a joke? Apple is one of the more litigious tech companies out there. You compare them to Google, or IBM, or heck, even Microsoft recently, and they make them look like the Mother Teresa of patent generosity. Apple are as bad as Oracle, in my books.

    Apple will sue anything left right and centre. Remember their patents on things like "multi-touch", or "touchscreen phones". What a joke. As I said above, I admire Apple (and I'm admiring my new Mac) for it's polish, and a good user experience.

    But I'm an engineer by profession, and I don't underestimate how much more hard work it actually takes to create a robust, well-engineered phone that works...as a phone. The whole iPhone 4G antenna fiasco is a classic example - this was something that companies like Nokia, Motorola and RIM have figured out the hard way, with years and years of research and engineering - and it's something that Apple will hopefully catchup to.


    I'm not a fanboi. In fact, I've been called a Apple bashing troll here before.

    But I have to say... Keep your day job. You're probably a better engineer than you are an analyst. As far as cell phones go...

    Apple is suing HTC.


    And Apple is counter-suing as a defense mechanism no doubt.

    Apple is being sued by at least 4 companies related to cell phones.

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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 04:14 PM
    Here is Princeton's definition of an empire.

    Image (http://www.anunews.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/aa-American-empire-map-of-bases-around-world.jpg)

    Kind of looks like America is an empire, doesn't it? America has a military presence all around the world. That's like Rome who had a military presence all around the then known world. At the beginning of 2000, America was so powerful and had so much money under Bill Clinton's control, that if it wanted to, they could have taken over the whole world.

    America is not an empire in the sense of Rome ... They may be vocal on democracy for other nations but they are not looking to conquer other countries and take them under American rule ... America does not wish to take over the world.

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  • Papajohn56
    Apr 5, 01:02 AM
    Hope so. Ready to ditch my Blackberry. Maybe by then BBM will be released for iPhone and Android. RIM did announce that after all.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 12, 10:53 AM

    It would make more sense (to me).

    Oh Gosh no. Unless Apple kept their (Netflix') pricing methodology...sorry but 99 cents for ONE TV show rental is ludicrous in comparison to Netflix'

    Jun 9, 05:51 PM
    No, you will not.


    Apr 26, 12:16 PM
    Hard to believe it's actually real.

    But man, it does look great.

    Apr 12, 04:38 AM
    i cant see any good reason why apple must launch iPad twice in a year. This just doesnt make any sense at all. :o

    Oct 15, 10:33 PM
    Aah, nothing in particular. I'll probably buy it regardless. I'm a sheep that way.

    Oct 19, 05:09 AM
    I suppose the "True Video" iPod will be released at a special event along side the iPhone and PowerBook G5? :p

    (Well, two out of the three would be nice.)
    One more thing: Jobs presents Duke Nukem Forever! :D

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